Thursday, October 18

Welcome To The New Blog!

I decided to switch blog hosts. The geocities blog offered no creative control, so I came here. So far, so good. I'm going to copy the last post from my old blog over here, just in case you missed it. And for the millions of new viewers, the old blog can be found here:

<<<<The Old Shopfiles>>>>>

Monkey Business

I think I've got a monkey on my back. I'm not really an addictive personality. I even managed to stop smoking cold turkey, back in the day. But I think I've finally crossed the line.

The saddest part of this is that it's the result of hanging out with the wrong people, just like my parents warned. They're all addicted. All the classic signs are there, if you really look. Weight loss. Neglect of family and friends that don't share in the addiction. Anger and mood swings, especially if kept away from the drug. And now I'm too far in to get out.

My name is David S, and I'm a mileage addict.

I'm noticing that with my increasing level of fitness and decreasing weight, I'm riding stronger than ever. I'm finding that I keep longing for longer rides, which sucks because I'm running out of daylight. I feel like a wound spring before a ride. I can feel the strength in my leg, I can feel the tension building inside and I know I'm going to have a killer ride. I felt that way last night before the road ride, and managed to climb all the Bible Camp hills in the big ring, clocking 17-15 mph over the top.

And I'm starting to undertand a little more about my friends that have been riding at high levels.

I could never imagine riding a century in the past, but now it's not such a strange thought. Walking back to the car at the fair this year, I kept looking at the perimeter road and wondering If I could get a century in when we do the ACS Relay for Life next year. I find myself worrying about not riding enough, especially on the road, since the time change will happen soon. I told Carrie that an indoor trainer is a necessity.

But unlike all our favorite stars, I don't think I'll be checking into rehab any time soon. I think I'll let this addiction run it's course, even if it leave me a shrunken shadow of the man I was before. It may take many, many years.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you could actually get cold turkey to light up. Hrmmm.

Keep the motivation going. You'll be leading the A-group before long!!

Dave said...

You should see how dry my Mom's turkey was. It's not hard to light as long as you leave off the cranberry sauce.

Kathleen said...

You're a sick, sick man. I knew that as I ate your dust on Bible Camp.

Pop's Tart said...

Big-ringing up Bible Camp!!! You're a machine!!!
