Well, another weekend done and gone. I read an account once of a late-middle aged man who suddenly realized that he had a limited number of weekends left in his life. He bought a bunch of marbles and counted them out into a big glass jar, and every Sunday night, he'd take one out. I guess it's a bit morbid, but on Sunday night, I like to look at the marble I'm holding in my hand and ponder if I've spent it well. It's a process that will make you reevaluate what you do between work days. I'm still relatively young, still not half way through the average life expectancy of the American male, so I don't mind dropping a marble in the work bucket occaisionally, but I'm pretty stingy with them. In an effort to make the most of this marble, I worked late Friday night to set up the new server at work and get it on our network. That way I could bring the laptop home and work on the data entry stuff without spending gas money and time to drive back to Macon Saturday.
It worked out well. I cut the front and back yard early to try and beat the heat, then spent the next six hours sorting and entering info on all our materials for work until my brain ran out my ears like thin tapioca pudding. With raisins. I had a nice np and met the usual suspects for a friendly dinner of grilled beast. Today carrie and I ushered at church and went to my Mom's house for lunch and helped install a new window AC unit at their house. We did the usual grocery shopping and finished the night up with a very nice Oriental chicken salad for dinner. Now we're vegitating on the sofa and watching Pulp Fiction on VH1. A nice quiet end to the day.
So, all things considered, the marble was pretty good this weekend. Not the shiniest marble I've had, but reasonably respectable. I didn't even get on the bike. Heck, I only saw my bikes taking the road bikes out of the truck and hanging them up. Hopefully I'll get to ride a little more this week. I've got a vaction coming up that's built around riding the bejeezes out of a bicycle in the north georgia mountains, so I'd better start turning over a pedal more than once a week.
See, I figure a week's vacation is like a great big, swirled glass shooter, and I'm damn sure not wasting THAT marble.
Marble image from roscoeartglass.com - get your own marbles
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